King Salmon
Big & Powerful Brutes That Will Make Your Arm Sore!
The Nushagak King Salmon is the largest and most powerful salmon that swim in the river. Averaging between 20-30 pounds and sometimes getting close to 40 pounds these fish are what avid Salmon fishermen dream about.
King Salmon are known by many different names; Chinook Salmon, Black Mouth Salmon, Tyee Salmon just to list a few. These fish are idolized by the native Alaskan people as they have sustained their way of life for hundreds of years.
When hooked a King Salmon tends to head straight to the bottom of the deepest hole or channel he can find and taunt you with a Tug-of-war that you will never forget. Just when you think you have made some headway on getting him to the surface the King Salmon will head right back down to the bottom again. Get use to hearing your drag sing when fishing for King Salmon.
King Salmon are excellent eating and can be cooked or prepared in many different ways. One of the most delicious ways is cooked on an open grill on a moistened cedar plank while smoking some wood chips on the coals.

What to Expect:
- Small camp size ensures a great experience focused on fun and catching fish
- Hot showers, flushing toilets, comfortable tents and excellent meals within feet of one of the best beaches on the river
- 50 plus fish days are common place on Nushagak during our season
- 80% of our guests return year after year and become part of the KSO family
Trip Dates:
- 6-15 to 6-20
- 6-20 to 6-25
- 6-25 to 6-30
- 6-30 to 7-5
- 7-5 to 7-10